As any motorist knows, road safety is extremely important, not only for themselves, but for those around them. This is no difference for truck drivers; however, there are added concerns when driving a 40-foot-plus semi. 

Keeping truck drivers safe on the road ensures that they can make it home safely to their families and that those around them are also safe. 

Safety Is No. 1

The Department of Labor claims that trucking is one of the dangerous jobs in the United States. To increase awareness of safety and the importance of it - as a free drive or a trucking company - prioritize safety and continually train and instruct drivers on truck safety.

Frequent Stops 

Truck drivers spend countless hours on the road. It's important to stop and take breaks during those long stretches of road. We know delivering on time is a top priority when it comes to customer satisfaction and supply chain demands - but a safe driver is safe cargo.

Scheduled Maintenance

Another way to stay safe while on the road is to have a maintenance schedule in place. This ensures your truck remains in top condition to perform at its best and protect the driver. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the leading cause of trucking accidents is due to a maintenance issue with the trailer.

Coordinating with a fleet mechanic can ensure your fleet is performing correctly and allowing your drivers to be safe from place to place and ultimately returning them safely to their families. 

Road Conditions

Regardless of the vehicle you are driving, less favorable road conditions - such as high wind speeds, snow, ice, and thunderstorms - can cause impaired driving. When driving a truck these conditions are heightened due to the size and weight of the truck.

If possible, to prioritize safety, coordinate travel and rest around icy road conditions. And when it comes to snowy conditions, tire chains can be a great safety benefit for drivers as they help tires grip the road better. When dealing with rain or fog, it is important to slow your speed and be alert for slowing and stopped vehicles.

Keeping driver’s safety as the number one priority allows them to return home at the end of the day to their families, keeps insurance prices down, and allows them to keep delivering on time. 

At Al-Amin Brothers Transportation Inc. safety is our top priority. We deliver on strength, performance, service, integrity, and innovation. We promise to have our customers best intentions in mind as we continue to provide reliable transportation services for our customers. Interested in driving with us? Fill out our online application we'll be in touch!